Increase API adoption with improved team profiles


Your Postman team profile represents your team’s presence on the Postman Public API Network and is a great place to make a strong first impression on folks who are looking to explore your API. It brings together all of your public resources in one place for easy consumption, and it also acts as a developer portal for API consumers to get started with your APIs.

We are excited to announce important upgrades to Postman team profiles that will help you showcase your work and drive adoption of your public APIs. These upgrades enable a lot more customization on your team profile, helping you create better onboarding experiences for your API consumers.

Let’s look at some of the key features of the new team profiles.

About team

The About team section allows you to introduce your team to other users on the Postman API Network. You can use this section to talk about your team’s APIs, provide instructions for getting started, and include links to relevant public workspaces and collections. This section supports Markdown and the new Postman WYSIWYG editor, helping you create the best possible onboarding experience for your API consumers.

About Team

Team summary

You can use the Team summary section to add a one line introduction about your team. This summary appears on search results and when users are browsing through the Public API Network, and it helps consumers know what to expect from your Postman presence.


The new Highlights section allows you to pin specific public workspaces, APIs, or collections to your team profile. You can use this section to give easy access to your most popular resources, as well as resources that help new users get started. You can also rearrange the order of highlights with drag and drop.

Editing Highlights on your team profile

You can add links to your official website and social platforms like Twitter and GitHub to allow consumers to learn more about your team.

Public workspaces, collections, and APIs

All of your team’s public resources—such as workspaces, collections, APIs, and flows—are accessible from your team profile, which allows users to easily discover and navigate to what they are interested in.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to spruce up your team profile and start sharing your awesome work with the rest of us. You can also customize your personal profile to showcase your personal work—learn more here.

Want to drive even more API adoption? Check out this blog post to learn how the top teams are increasing API adoption through the Postman Public API Network.

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What do you think about this feature? Tell us in a comment below. You can also give product feedback through our Community forum and GitHub repository.


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