Viewing 95 Results for Public Workspaces
Announcing security updates to the Public API Network: new secret-protection policy

We are humbled by the global adoption of Postman’s Public API Network in recent years. Having grown from just a few hundred…
Announcing Postman has acquired Orbit

Since day one, Postman has been about developer productivity. It started by saving developers from repeatedly typing the same commands and grew…
Play with these gaming APIs in the Postman Public API Network

This is a 2024 update to our previous Gaming APIs list published in June 2022. We’re thrilled to announce the launch of…
Announcing public workspace metrics

We’re obsessed with helping developers get successful API calls. A successful API call is often the first signal that something you have…
Ship it: businesses reveal how they’re accelerating release cycles with Postman

Update it, upgrade it, add new features to it—whatever the goal, being able to ship code and release quickly is the name…
Home automation with MQTT

Home Assistant is a popular open source home automation platform that provides a unified interface to control and monitor different smart devices….
State of the API report data is now available via API

The world’s largest and most comprehensive survey of API usage just became even more useful. Today, we’re making data from the 2023…
Third-party library encryption with Mastercard and Postman

This is guest post written by Tarric Sookdeo, senior content strategy analyst at Mastercard. When an API is handling sensitive data such…
5 ways to set up your Postman team profile for greater success

If you’ve been keeping up with the Postman blog, you already know that completing your Postman public profile is an important step…
Build your own weather app with one call is on a really cool mission to give you the most accurate real-time weather data, even going so far as launching…
Accelerate your video and audio streaming with Postman

This is a guest post written by Mathias Guile, VP cloud platform at is a video API-based platform that offers…
Announcing the Harness the Weather Hackathon with

Postman and invite you to take on the challenge of innovating how we understand, interact with, and utilize weather data in…