5 Tips for a Game-Changing API Design Review

Google had an API problem. As described in their 2016 paper, “API Design Reviews at Scale,” the number of APIs produced grew…

Stay on Top of Your API Deployments: AWS API Gateway Integration

APIs are frequently developed and deployed. While the API development process is moving towards some standardization, the deployment process is vastly non-standard….

API Lifecycle Stages: The 8-Point Blueprint

A well-defined API lifecycle is essential for taking full advantage of operating on an API platform and being able to effectively govern…

Improve API Governance with These Shareable OpenAPI Templates

Organizations are increasingly called on to manage dozens, if not hundreds, of APIs. Increased scale increases the likelihood of design inconsistency among…

How the Postman Enterprise Plan Fits Into Your Enterprise Strategy

For those who are earlier in their API journey, the Postman API Platform capabilities available via the Enterprise plan may seem beyond…

Announcing GitLab Support in the Postman API Platform

The Postman API Platform released last September brought in all-new capabilities around API management. Developer workflows that center around code repositories on…

Introducing the Super Admin Role: Manage All Your Team’s Users and Resources

A very popular feature request we’ve heard from our customers is a way to centrally manage all the users and resources within…

Introducing domain capture: group your organization’s Postman users into a single team

It can be common for organizations using the Postman API Platform to have employees that also use Postman independently rather than being…

How Do You Become an API-First Company?

API-first continues to shift the business landscape, with API-first leaders like Amazon, Stripe, and Twilio shaping how we all do business while…

A Postman Sneak Peek: “The API-First Transformation” Book

2023 Update: The API-First Transformation book is now published and available for purchase. Learn more here. At Postman, we’ve been hard at…

Why Should You Be an API-First Company?

Enterprise organizations that are further along in their API journey are now finding themselves asking more questions about why they should become…

What Is an API-First Company?

The concept of API-first has been picking up momentum over the last five years, but it is something that often means different…

Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.

See what's inside v11 →
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