Announcing the Postman Microsoft Azure integration partnership


The Postman API Platform’s mission is to support developers across each stage of the API lifecycle. As part of our continued focus on working with deployment partners to provide the most helpful API-first features for more than 20 million users, we’re excited to welcome Microsoft Azure to the Postman Ecosystem Partner Program as an official Strategic Partner.

With this new integration, Postman and Azure API Management users can create and test their APIs in Postman, deploy them to Azure, and simplify the consumers’ API onboarding experience. The integration provides the following specific functionalities to our joint users:

  • Postman-initiated import from Azure API Management with the ability to import OpenAPI definitions from Azure API Management:

  • Export of OpenAPI definitions to Azure API Management with support for versions, revisions, host selection, and environment variables:

  • Azure API Management-initiated export of APIs into Postman using Run in Postman:

Microsoft Azure is a market leader in cloud computing and this partnership enables us to serve developers across the API lifecycle. Postman has always been a product-led company and this integration brings us one step closer to providing a complete product experience for APIs, from design to deployment. I look forward to seeing the growth of this partnership.

Abhijit Kane, Postman Co-Founder and Head of Product

Our goal is to enable developers with the most efficient way to build, manage, consume, and collaborate with APIs, so a partnership with Postman was a natural decision for us. Our integrations will enable customers to realize productivity benefits at each phase of the API lifecycle. Together, we look forward to seeing how developers and customers everywhere will continue to drive innovation across their organizations by embracing an API-first culture.

Balan Subramanian, Microsoft Partner Director of Product

To learn more, check out these resources:

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1 thought on “Announcing the Postman Microsoft Azure integration partnership


    This is great news! I really hope that at some point we will be able to spin up a Postman instance on Azure to integrate with our existing data pipeline like Azure Functions today. Postman is my go-to tool when extracting data from APIs, but then afterward everything needs to be converted into a native Azure Data Factory method or an Azure Function. The joy it would be if one could just publish one’s work done in Postman to the Azure Cloud and call it like a web service!