Manage Large Teams in Postman with Workspaces, Permissions, and Version Control

Managing API development with large teams poses a unique set of challenges. Teams need to maintain multiple versions of an API, assign…

Power Mocks, Monitors, and CI/CD with Postman – Webinar Recap Part 3

We recently completed an online workshop series. In part 1, we went over how you can import a schema, save example responses,…

Collaborate Better with Postman Version Control: Workshop Recap Part 2

We recently completed an online workshop series. In part 1, we went over how you can import a schema, save example responses,…

Develop APIs with Your Team in Postman – Workshop Recap Part 1

We just completed our online workshop series! In case you missed our 3-part, live workshop series, you can follow along with this…

Streamline Access Control with Extended Roles & Permissions

Assigning roles and permissions to team members helps keep your team’s workflow organized and ensures that each teammate has a clear role…

Get Postman’s Latest Features – Migrate to Version 7.0

Postman is continuously improving, and as part of our commitment to providing a platform that grows with our users, we’ve made some…

Comments V2: Streamlined Collaboration Directly in Your Postman App

In October of last year, we introduced a commenting feature on the Postman dashboard. Comments make it easy to save interactions with…

In-App Postman Bootcamp Lessons

Learn to use Postman for every stage of your API’s lifecycle. We recently added an interactive in-app Bootcamp! You can opt-in to…

Upgrade from Postman Chrome to Postman Native Apps

Update: In huge 2020 news, Postman has returned to the web in order to provide faster access and superior collaboration. Read details…