In-App Postman Bootcamp Lessons


Learn to use Postman for every stage of your API’s lifecycle.

We recently added an interactive in-app Bootcamp! You can opt-in to any Bootcamp lesson to improve or practice your Postman skills.

We often hear of developers who use Postman just as a REST client. This is fine, but since Postman provides tools for every stage of the API lifecycle, these folks are missing out on numerous features and functionality to make their work with APIs easier and faster. If you like using Postman as a REST client, we bet you’ll like our other features too – all in the same familiar Postman format.

To make learning Postman as easy as possible, we created lessons. Our in-app Bootcamp has lessons for users at every level, so you can learn the basics and extend your skills even further. And here’s the best part – Postman Bootcamp provides you with guided instructions, so you can follow along effortlessly.

When you enter the Bootcamp in the app, you’ll see a library of interactive lessons that range from beginner to expert level. We designed the Bootcamp to track your progress, so your lessons will always be geared to your skillset. In addition, we are consistently adding new lessons. Your Bootcamp will automatically populate with new and relevant material for you to master.

Here are some things you can learn right now on Postman’s in-app Bootcamp:

  • Designing and mocking APIs (2 lessons) – Designing and mocking your APIs before you build them helps you define dependencies, create contracts, and identify expected functionality as well as potential problems.
  • Debugging and manual testing (4 lessons) – Manually testing and debugging your APIs is a great skill, and it’s the first step on the way to automation!
  • Automated testing (4 lessons) – Save time by using Postman’s powerful test scripts to automate your tests.
  • API documentation (1 lesson) – Postman allows you to automatically create beautiful, web-viewable documentation right from your collection.
  • Monitoring (1 lesson) – Monitoring allows you to create automated tests that monitor your APIs on a custom schedule. You can monitor for uptime, responsiveness, and correctness.
  • Collaboration (1 lesson) – This lesson will show you how to use Postman’s tools to strengthen your team’s collaboration efficiency.

Here’s how you can get started –

Step 1 – Click on the Bootcamp icon at the bottom right corner of your app.

Step 2 – Scroll through our lessons and choose a skill you want to practice.

Step 3 – Click “Learn” and follow along!

We’ll be adding more and more detailed Bootcamp lessons over the coming weeks – keep an eye out for new options in the Postman app!


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9 thoughts on “In-App Postman Bootcamp Lessons




      Completing the bootcamp doesn’t give a certificate. You might want to check the Postman Student Expert badge if you’re interested in Postman certifications.


    very essential, I have used postman for rest client and was aware of other funtion mocking, automatic testing and others but it seemd a little difficult.
    Now i am gonna learn and get efficient in using this.


    What on earth has happened to Bootcamp? I have tried both in Chrome as well as installing the windows App and it is an awful experience.

    Clicking to edit a field instead of the pencil to edit causes the bootcamp to close. with the segment of “Add description to this collection” the specific click action to “Save” closes bootcamp and forces you to restart from the beginning causing a continuous idiot loop.

    For some future feedback – please when you continue during the training path or need to restart – stop duplicating collections – during troubleshooting the save button problem I ended up with 12 individual “Documenting an API” collections before I gave up and am looking to help people understand API’s through a different service


      Hi Michael, Thank you for the feedback. Please contact our support team at and they’ll be able to help you.🙂


    please give this Bootcamp in a web page format. the interactivity stops in the first lesson where I set the environment.


    this bootcamp thing is terrible. As per the other comments below it just closes part way through the lessons (the ‘continue learning’ button does not work).


    Some of the lessons seems to crash halfway through. I am not sure why. Has anyone else experienced this? I experienced it in the ‘Designing and mocking APIs’ lessons. After a few restart attempts I was lucky enough to get through the lessons.

    Now I am doing the ‘Debugging and manual testing’ lesson 3 ‘Environment variables’. After entering the variable name ‘environment_type’ and clicking ‘Next’ the tutorial just disappeared and there’s no further instruction for next step. I have restarted the lesson a few times with not much luck.


    The bootcamp is buggy. I’m essentially stuck in a loop on the ‘Design an API in less than a minute’ lesson. After creating my server the lesson stops and I am not instructed on what to do next. I tried resetting the lesson but it happens over and over. I then moved on to the ‘Design an API’ lesson I asked to import a collection. I click import and nothing happens and I am again not instructed on what to do next. This seems like a great tool but unfortunately it does not work. There was a bug ticket in GitHub in 2019 for this that was closed.