What do 37,000 developers say about Postman? 3 key things


We recently surveyed over 37,000 developers and industry professionals, asking how they worked with APIs. Most of those findings are in our 2022 State of the API Report, but there were a few things we wanted to highlight separately. Here’s what else we learned:

1. Postman is critical to developers’ happiness

What happens when developers lose access to Postman? Many become unhappy. Some 89% of respondents agreed—or strongly agreed—with the statement, “I would be unhappy if I was not allowed to use Postman anymore.”

The finding underscores how essential the Postman API Platform has become, and is also a recognition that APIs have become the building blocks of modern software. A majority of organizations’ development efforts are now spent on APIs, according to 51% of survey respondents.

2. Postman is a must for API-first

Postman has promoted an API-first development model for years, and for good reason: the more API-first an organization is, the greater efficiency and productivity it enjoys.

So we were gratified when 81% of respondents said they agreed with the statement that “Postman is necessary for enabling an API-first development model.”

In the State of the API survey, the elite group of respondents who identified themselves as  API-first said they produced APIs faster, had fewer failures, and recovered sooner when failures occurred.

These benefits were acknowledged even by those who weren’t API-first. Over 75% of all survey respondents agreed that developers at API-first companies were more productive, integrated with partners faster, and were happier.

3. Postman is tops for collaboration

What platform or tool is best at helping developers collaborate? Seventy-five percent of respondents agreed that “Postman helps me collaborate with developers better than other platforms or tools.”

Postman workspaces are a big part of that collaboration. They help developers organize their API work and collaborate across their organization or across the world. There are different kinds of Postman workspaces for different needs, including team and public workspaces, and soon Partner Workspaces.

Team workspaces provide a better developer experience, from pre-production and development to the post-production stages of building an API. Customers such as Extend have sped up testing by 60 minutes per day, thanks to greater cross-team collaboration and heightened process automation. At Werner Enterprises, teams are working three times faster due to better version control, consistency during collaboration, and fewer errors.

Public workspaces, on the other hand, allow creators to share their APIs publicly with the world—and provide a better developer experience to all. Public workspaces are searchable and accessible through the Postman Public API Network. Organizations can use them to gather feedback on their APIs, onboard developers quickly, or just showcase their work. And these workspaces can contain docs, how-to guides, and reference material to accelerate the time to first call for a developer.

Active names on the network range from established leaders such as Salesforce and Stripe to small startups with big potential.

Explore Postman

With a majority of software development shifting to APIs, an API-first approach is becoming indispensable. Today, more than 20 million users leverage Postman for easy collaboration, quick production of APIs, and fewer errors. And that in turn makes for happy developers. We’re grateful to see so many survey participants around the world recognize this. Head here to learn more about Postman’s features and how they can help your business.

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