Save and Document WebSocket Requests in Collections

Earlier this year, we added support for WebSocket and Socket.IO, enabling debugging and testing for these new request types. Since then, we…

How (and Why) Postman Engineering Uses Foundation Teams

In today’s internet age in which companies reach audiences with incredible ease, the ability to move even faster gives an edge. Organizational…

2 Big Improvements to the Postman Token Scanner

At Postman, we take our commitment to security very seriously. The several product updates we’ve made to keep your data safe and…

Postman Now Recommends Related Collections in Requests

Postman’s Public API Network is now the largest API hub in the world. Both large enterprises and individuals are publishing a wide…

Postman Now Supports Socket.IO

Today, Socket.IO users have a reason to celebrate. We hinted at this in our previous WebSocket announcement, but it’s finally here: we…

5 Things I Love about the Postman API Platform as an Engineering Manager

The Postman API Platform has long been great to me as a frontend developer. At my previous company, it not only sped…

Who’s Behind Postman Engineering? Watch and Learn about Postman Co-founder Ankit Sobti

During a recent Postman livestream with Postman Co-founder and CTO Ankit Sobti, we had the opportunity for an ask-me-anything chat. The Postman…

Introducing User Management in Postman with SCIM

To add and manage users in Postman as a team admin for a large organization, you can either send invites to the…

Introducing Security Warnings During API Validation

At Postman, we’re committed to empowering the API-driven economy. Since our first release as a Google Chrome extension, we’ve studied the needs…

Postman Now Supports WebSocket APIs

Today, we are excited to announce that Postman now supports WebSocket APIs. This key update to our API platform is currently available…

The Official List of 2021 API Month Highlights

Since APIs are already critical to every industry, it was about time they got their own spot on the calendar. An entire…

Introducing Postman Groups: Manage Users with Easier Access Control

In Postman, access control on resources is built on the principle of role-based access control (RBAC). This means that users are assigned…

Postman v11 is here!

It's jam-packed with updates to help you collaborate on your APIs, augment yourself with AI, and more.

See what's inside v11 →
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