What is API encryption?

API encryption is the process of encoding data that is sent between a client and an API in order to prevent unauthorized…

Third-party library encryption with Mastercard and Postman

This is guest post written by Tarric Sookdeo, senior content strategy analyst at Mastercard. When an API is handling sensitive data such…

The 3 fundamental checks of API governance rules

API definitions, such as OpenAPI documents, are often inspected to perform automated API governance checks. As an API definition aims to describe…

5 ways to reduce exposure to API security risks

API security has become a significant concern as insecure APIs may provide attackers with access to sensitive customer data. In recent years,…

OWASP API Security Top 10 2023 and GraphQL

This is a guest post by Antoine Carossio, ex-Apple, cofounder & CTO at Escape – GraphQL Security. The OWASP API Security Top…

APIs to enhance application security

As the number of mobile and web apps continues to grow, so does the need for effective security measures to protect them…

Use the Postman and APIsec EthicalCheck Integration for Better Security Practices

This is a guest post written by Intesar Shannan Mohammed, founder and CTO at APIsec. EthicalCheck from APIsec is a free and…

New Custom Alerts to Monitor Your Public Footprint on Postman

At Postman, over the past year, we’ve introduced several new features to ease the collaboration between multiple stakeholders during the API development…

Introducing Postman Security Scans

According to the 2020 State of the API Report, businesses worldwide are becoming more reliant on APIs for their day-to-day work. And…

Securely using API keys in Postman

Last updated on March 20, 2023. If you work with APIs, then you already know there’s many ways to prove your identity…