The 3 fundamental checks of API governance rules

API definitions, such as OpenAPI documents, are often inspected to perform automated API governance checks. As an API definition aims to describe…

The 5 dimensions of API consistency

API governance often rhymes with consistency because consistent APIs significantly maximize the value generated by APIs. But achieving the creation of APIs…

3 reasons why API governance needs internal API advocacy

API governance aims to help people generate maximum value with APIs. But that will only work if people know what APIs are…

Consistent API designs make people feel outrageously smart

API governance aims to help people maximize the value generated by APIs by fostering the creation of the right APIs in “the…

3 tips to get people comfortable with API governance

Many people are uncomfortable when it comes to API governance—whether it’s due to fear or even hate for it because of their…

How to enhance your API-first design process

An API-first design should be reusable, interoperable, modifiable, user-friendly, secure, efficient, pragmatic, and—crucially—aligned with the organization’s goals. These essential traits will ensure…

What Is API-first design?

An API-first strategy involves leveraging APIs to save time and money and deliver maximum value. API-first design can help organizations achieve that…

What is the purpose of API governance?

Establishing effective API governance requires the correct understanding of its purpose. But what is it exactly? Is it defining standards or rules…

Why This API Handyman Joined Postman

I’ve been using Postman since its inception and have enjoyed watching it turn into an incredible and ever-growing API platform. But why…