How Postman uses Postman: leveling up design, testing, and collaboration

We love hearing from our community about how you’re using Postman to improve your API development experience—it truly continues to inspire us….

API design interview questions

According to Postman’s 2023 State of the API report, over 75% of respondents agree that developers at API-first companies are more productive,…

Updates to the Private API Network: new workflows for approval, discovery, and search

Postman’s Private API Network provides a centralized repository for publishing and distributing all of the APIs within your organization. It also supports…

OpenAPI vs. Swagger

Swagger 2 and OpenAPI 3 are API specifications that describe RESTful HTTP APIs in YAML- or JSON-based documents that can be read…

Translating user benefits into API capabilities

As part of my ongoing work designing the Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base API, I have identified most of the technical characteristics…

What I learned from interviewing potential users before designing an API

I’ve been working on the Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base project with the goal of implementing the Knowledge Base API. I’ve followed…

The 5 dimensions of API consistency

API governance often rhymes with consistency because consistent APIs significantly maximize the value generated by APIs. But achieving the creation of APIs…

Consistent API designs make people feel outrageously smart

API governance aims to help people maximize the value generated by APIs by fostering the creation of the right APIs in “the…

How to enhance your API-first design process

An API-first design should be reusable, interoperable, modifiable, user-friendly, secure, efficient, pragmatic, and—crucially—aligned with the organization’s goals. These essential traits will ensure…

RAML and API Blueprint: where are they now?

The API design battles have long been settled. But occasionally, someone asks, “Should I use RAML, or should I use OpenAPI?” If…