Translating user benefits into API capabilities

As part of my ongoing work designing the Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base API, I have identified most of the technical characteristics…

How to choose between REST vs. GraphQL vs. gRPC vs. SOAP

To create the Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base API, I’ve been following our team’s internal API design playbook, which covers the strategy,…

What I learned from interviewing potential users before designing an API

I’ve been working on the Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base project with the goal of implementing the Knowledge Base API. I’ve followed…

Build a successful API by understanding user personas

Postman Open Technologies Knowledge Base is a new project with the goal of providing insights from a vast amount of information about…

How to Access Information about a Postman API Authenticated User

An authenticated user of the Postman API is the owner of the API key that you’re sending through a request. Accessing information…

Filtering and Sorting APIs Using the Postman API

Filtering and sorting APIs using the Postman API gives you the ability to decide which APIs you want to retrieve and how…

The Postman API Now Creates a Default Workspace When Needed

Whenever you create collections, APIs, environments, mock servers, and monitors using the Postman API, we recommend specifying which workspace the new element…

How to Get Started with the Postman API

Did you know that Postman has its own API? Yes, Postman, an API platform that helps you design, test, mock, and document…