What’s New in Developer Tools for 2021?


Industry experts from some of your favorite developer tools came together at Postman Galaxy 2021 to debate the challenges and trends in tools for the developer community.

The “What’s New in Developer Tools” panel participants included:

  • StackShare Founder and CEO Yonas Beshawred (moderator)
  • SmartBear Senior Director of Product Management Ali Inzana
  • Stoplight Architect Phil Sturgeon
  • ReadMe Founder Gregory Koberger
  • Postman Lead Solutions Engineer Kevin Swiber

The panel tackled broad industry questions including the following:

  • What new features at your company are you excited about?
  • What new developer tools (besides your own) are you excited about?
  • What trends do you see with API specifications?
  • Is GraphQL the future of APIs?

After some lively discourse about OpenAPI, governance, and event-driven architectures, our industry experts concluded with these final thoughts:

  • “When it comes to dev tooling, insist on having nice things.”
    Hear more insights from Ali Inzana, senior director of product management at SmartBear.
  • “The future is people who don’t care about APIs, but want to do something really cool.”
    Hear more insights from Gregory Koberger, founder at ReadMe.
  • “Keep challenging tool vendors in this space. The more feedback we get, the better the experience is going to be.”
    Hear more insights from Kevin Swiber, lead solutions engineer at Postman.

Watch the full Postman Galaxy developer tools panel discussion here:

Stay tuned for info on Postman Galaxy 2022 by signing up here. What do you think about this topic? Tell us in a comment below. 


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1 thought on “What’s New in Developer Tools for 2021?


    That was one of my favorite panel talks. I really appreciate the discussed tools they use to make dev work easier.