Postman at GraphQLConf 2023

The GraphQL community recently gathered for GraphQLConf 2023 on September 19-21 in the San Francisco Bay Area. This groundbreaking conference brought together…

The 3 fundamental checks of API governance rules

API definitions, such as OpenAPI documents, are often inspected to perform automated API governance checks. As an API definition aims to describe…

OpenAPI vs. Swagger

Swagger 2 and OpenAPI 3 are API specifications that describe RESTful HTTP APIs in YAML- or JSON-based documents that can be read…

JSON Schema in production: how you can use it today

At 2022’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman JSON Schema Specification Lead Ben Hutton shared some stories about using JSON Schema in production…

New documentation for the collection format

When you think about Postman Collections, the first thing that often comes to your mind isn’t a JSON-based API specification. The first…

RAML and API Blueprint: where are they now?

The API design battles have long been settled. But occasionally, someone asks, “Should I use RAML, or should I use OpenAPI?” If…

API contract testing: 4 things to validate to meet (and exceed) expectations

If you’ve ever received a report card that said “Meets Expectations,” your parents probably weren’t impressed. You might not be excited to…

OpenAPI does what Swagger don’t

At this year’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman ​​OpenAPI Technical Lead Arnaud Lauret (also known in the community as the API Handyman!)…

Catch these Postman talks at the 2022 API Specifications Conference

Postmanauts from Postman Open Technologies and other teams will have a strong presence at the upcoming API Specifications Conference (ASC 2022) taking…

Postman Joins the GraphQL Foundation

We’re excited to announce that Postman is now part of the GraphQL Foundation. Postman Open Technologies led this logical next step in…

Postman Now Generates Docs from OpenAPI 3.0 Definitions

During various stages of an API lifecycle, API producers need to communicate their API’s functionality to consumers who may have various degrees…

Postman Now Supports OpenAPI 3.1

We are excited to announce that the Postman API Platform now supports OpenAPI 3.1 files. OpenAPI 3.1 is the latest version of…