API contract testing: 4 things to validate to meet (and exceed) expectations

If you’ve ever received a report card that said “Meets Expectations,” your parents probably weren’t impressed. You might not be excited to…

Don’t panic: a developer’s guide to building secure GraphQL APIs

At this year’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman Developer Advocate Meenakshi Dhanani shared the dos and don’ts of designing secure GraphQL APIs….

Open data APIs: standards, best practices, and implementation challenges

At this year’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman Data Lead Pascal Heus gave a presentation on open data standards. Pascal has been…

How Salesforce shares APIs at scale for a great developer experience

Many things change as your business grows. When you’re an API-first company, developing a strategy for sharing your APIs as you scale…

OpenAPI does what Swagger don’t

At this year’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman ​​OpenAPI Technical Lead Arnaud Lauret (also known in the community as the API Handyman!)…

2 ways to access and edit a Postman element

When you want to edit an element in a Postman workspace, whether it’s owned by your team, another team in your organization,…

Understanding asynchronous APIs

If you’ve worked mostly with REST APIs, you might not be as familiar with asynchronous API protocols like WebSocket and gRPC. Asynchronous…

How We Built It: No-Code Postman Flows

During a recent Postman livestream, Postman Senior Developer Advocate Ian Douglas invited Postman Product Designer Samay Verma and Postman Technical Lead Saswat…