API design tips for students: advice from the API Handyman

The Postman Student Programs team gets asked many great questions from student community members across the world who want to learn about…

How to find the right API for the job

The Postman Student Programs team often hears from student community members who are wondering how to find APIs that are a good…

5 hackathon tips and tricks for students

Hackathons are a great way to supercharge your API skills, and last year, Postman hosted two of its own: Visualize for the…

5 Postman features that will help you on your Postmanaut student journey

In September, Postman Student Programs joined forces with Pooja Mistry from Postman’s Developer Relations team to host a livestream on 10 Postman…

Start the school year strong with the Postman Student Expert Program

APIs power business-critical applications in countless industries, which makes API literacy an important skill for anyone who wants to pursue a career…