Announcing the 2020 State of the API Report


2020 continues to be a critical—and unpredictable—year, to say the least. One thing we can predict: the growth of APIs is only increasing. With the pandemic now making remote work a must rather than just an option for so many people around the world, we’re seeing how essential APIs are in powering real-time digital communication and data exchange.

Wondering what other trends are happening in the API industry and what its future may look like? More than 13,500 developers, testers, executives, and others participated in our annual survey—the industry’s largest and most comprehensive—to help us all keep our finger on the pulse during this unprecedented time. The result is Postman’s 2020 State of the API Report.

“Our annual survey reveals that the API ecosystem is expanding, investments are flowing, and momentum for an API-first philosophy is being embraced more and more,” Postman Cofounder and CEO Abhinav Asthana said of the results. “The data also shows us the importance of APIs and their role in responding to sudden and tectonic shifts in the way businesses, governments, and nonprofits operate, including pandemics.”

Check out this year’s three key findings below—and then dive deeper into the full 2020 State of the API Report to gain valuable insights spanning API technology, user demographics, and business initiatives.

Three key findings:

  • API investments have remained strong: Close to half of respondents stated that investment of time and resources into APIs will increase over the next 12 months, while another third stated that investments into APIs will stay the same, despite a challenging economic environment.
  • The pandemic has changed the world, but it didn’t stop APIs: 89% of industry members surveyed stated that their organizations offered remote work options as a result of COVID-19. Nearly a third (30.6%) said that APIs played a role in their organization’s ability to respond to COVID-19 by facilitating customer communications, powering remote work options, and quickly responding to regulatory changes and government initiatives.
  • APIs are the nucleus of digital transformation: For those working on digital transformation initiatives, 84.5% state that APIs are playing a significant role in those initiatives.

Check out the complete 2020 State of the API Report.

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