Enterprise best practices: successfully govern your API content and users

There are a ton of things in Postman that enterprises should be taking advantage of to accelerate collaboration and consistency at scale….

Introducing Workspace Management settings for greater control in Enterprise teams

Postman workspaces are hugely popular because they’re collaborative places where teams solve problems. Just like a work environment has different tools to…

The ultimate guide to setting up team workspaces

In the world of API development, collaboration is key. With multiple moving pieces and stakeholders, organization, transparency, and communication are vital to…

5 ways to set up your Postman team profile for greater success

If you’ve been keeping up with the Postman blog, you already know that completing your Postman public profile is an important step…

Managing team members and roles in Postman just got easier

Today’s organizations increasingly use Postman to collaborate on APIs within teams. With Postman workspaces and collections, you can discuss and contribute to…

How to Start Platform-Led API Governance and Overcome Resistance

API governance will always require some form of centralization to be successful, though it will vary between organizations and domains. Governance can…

Implementing Role-Based Access Control with Warrant and Postman

This is a guest post written by Aditya Kajla, co-founder and CEO at Warrant. If you’ve used a SaaS application, particularly one…

How to securely deploy Postman at scale, part 1: user management

Congratulations! You’ve got your team set up on a shiny new Postman API Platform account and now you’re ready to get ramped…

5 Ways an API Platform Boosts Productivity and Efficiency Across Your Org

API platforms are optimized for success across the API lifecycle. They’re hyper-focused on meeting the needs of consumers and other stakeholders, using…

Driving Search Intelligence with Query Understanding and Federation

Search at Postman involves querying over many different verticals of the product. We call these entities. For example, a collection or a…

Introducing the API Network Manager Role and Approval Process

On the Private API Network, APIs are made up of an API definition and other resources such as collections, environments, and mocks/tests….

APIs that Simplify How Teams Work with Document Management Systems

In old-timey days, offices took care of physical documents using file clerks and administrative assistants. Today, there are rich software solutions for…