What is PKCE?

PKCE, which stands for “Proof of Key Code Exchange” and is pronounced “pixy,” is an extension of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that…

What is OAuth 2.0?

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework that enables users to safely share their data between different applications. It is an industry standard…

How to access Google APIs using OAuth 2.0 in Postman

Authorization is a fundamental part of working with an API. There are many standards that define how it is done, but the…

Introducing Postman’s New Parameters for OAuth 2.0

Authentication is a fundamental part of APIs, and over the years OAuth 2.0 has gained tremendous adoption amongst the masses as the…

OAuth 2.0: Implicit Flow is Dead, Try PKCE Instead

There are a number of OAuth 2.0 flows that can be used in various scenarios. The Implicit flow was previously recommended for…

Get Greater Visibility With HTTP Header Live Preview in Postman

HTTP headers are a cornerstone of how the web works, allowing clients and servers to pass information back and forth. Headers are…

How Postman Feeds My Sushi Addiction

The Sushi Selector is a Postman Collection that recommends a nearby sushi spot. When run locally with the Postman collection runner, the collection…

Postman makes authorization stronger and easier

API authorization is a top concern at Postman. We’ve always built features to help you manage authorization for your protected resources, such…