Bug fix release: Postman v0.10.5.3 is out

We pushed out a few more bug fixes and changes to Postman this week with version
- [Change] All automatic URL encoding has been removed. Any variable intended to be used in the URL should be manually encoded. You can right click a selection, and click ‘EncodeURIComponent’ to encode it.
- [Bug fix] Issues with the refresh token flow have been fixed
- [Bug fix] The data preview window is now larger and scrollable
- [Bug fix] Headers can be disabled in the Headers editor
- [Feature] Imported collections can no longer overwrite existing collections
- [Change] The threshold for showing JSON/XML responses in Pretty mode has been increased to 20000 bytes
- [Bug fix] Text selection issues in the JSON Pretty mode have been fixed. The +/- symbols to expand/collapse nodes are not selected. Property names are surrounded by double-quotes.
Let us know if you are facing any issues with the new version. We are hoping to quicken our release cycle and have a ton of things coming up in November.