Legacy app update, Cookies and DevTools for v0.9.x

I just pushed an update for the legacy branch of Postman (v0.8.3) on the Chrome Web Store. The update has a bulk export option which combines all your Postman data in one file. If you are upgrading to the newer version of Postman you can now import this file. by going into the “Settings > Data” screen.
The new Chrome apps platform runs in a sandboxed environment separately from the browser. This let’s Postman access APIs which would not be available to the legacy app due to security issues. However, while testing an API endpoint which uses cookies to authenticate the user, this can be an issue. Cookies stored in the browser are not available and hence can not be sent along with the request. The XMLHttpRequest specification does not let you send a custom cookie header either and is blocked by Chrome. As you can notice, this kind of sucks.
One workaround is to use the Postman ProxyΒ to set the cookie header with the cookie value obtained from the browser.
I think this is quite clunky and can be improved upon. If the API you are testing uses cookies, I would suggest sticking keeping v0.8.x installed. As v0.8.x and v0.9.x are available as separate apps, you can use them in parallel to get the most out of Postman.
Network Inspector
Some users have reported the unavailability of the Network Inspector. Unfortunately, Chrome disables Chrome DevTools by default for installed apps. Type chrome://flags in Chrome, look for “Enable debugging for packed apps” and hit enable. DevTools should now be available inside Postman.
Stay tuned for updates and if you encounter any issue do report it on Github or Twitter! Replying to reviews is not possible inside the Web Store and hence I would not be able to inform you if there is a fix available for your problem.
Great ! It solved the problem with custom HTTP status codes.
Awesome. π