Introducing New Postman Reports for Enterprises


In today’s hyper data-driven world of decision-making, data is no longer just good to have, it is an absolute necessity. And with more organizations leveraging the Postman API Platform with our Enterprise plan, it is imperative that users belonging to diverse roles are equipped with the right tools to gain insights into the organization’s API landscape and the data associated with it.

To help organizations in this endeavor, we’ve redesigned our entire reporting space to not only allow users to track and monitor key metrics related to APIs, teams, security, and Postman usage, but also give them the ability to dive deeper into their data for taking relevant actions. Apart from making reports faster, we’ve also changed the way they look and feel to keep them more aligned with the Postman experience.

New Reports
An example of Postman’s latest reports for organizations

What can you do with the new reports?

To put things in perspective, there was a time when there was no reporting functionality. API producers and team admins had to painstakingly keep an eye on the performance of their teams and APIs. This problem was intensified further by an increase in team size and content—ultimately leading to a lack of direction when making decisions, starting from performance, activity, and extending to governance. To keep pace with an organization’s API landscape was a herculean task in itself, and to maintain it in one place to get a holistic view was a whole different ball game.

Postman’s new reports aim to solve this problem by equipping organizations with metrics to stay on top of their APIs. You can keep track of your team performance, and for those working tirelessly on their APIs, you can dive deeper into your data. Amongst other things, you can now get insights into the degree of collaboration occurring within your team by viewing data related to forks, comments, watches, and pull requests, as well as track the overall level of activity in teams.

Report categories

The new enterprise reports are divided primarily into the following categories:

  • Summary: These reports provide an overview of your team and API performance.
  • Team Details: These reports provide metrics around team details, activity, and resource consumption.
  • All Workspaces: These reports give you metrics around workspaces relevant to the team, including details on collaborations such as watches and comments.
  • All APIs: We are committed to helping you stay on top of your APIs. These reports provide an in-depth view of the API performance over the team, public, and private network.
  • Security Audit: Security concerns are always a top priority in today’s age, and addressing them can prevent a major catastrophe. These reports allow you to get crucial visibility around any exposed tokens in any publicly shared documentation.

At the end of the day, the new reports drastically increase the scope of what organizations can track concerning their API landscape.

Drill Downs

Any metric or report is useful only if it can translate into something actionable. To help you with this objective, the new reports allow you to dig deeper into the data using the new drill-down pane. This allows you to look at data more granularly without losing context and have a concurrent view of visualization and data.

Drill Down Pane
New drill-down pane

This empowers you to not only make data-driven decisions but also to see first-hand the value Postman brings to your API workflow. It equips you with data points needed to navigate to the exact pain points observed in the functioning of your teams and take necessary actions to improve the overall picture of your API landscape.

What’s next

With this release, we’ve redesigned reports and completely revamped our systems as a first step towards serving you faster, better, and making reports the one-stop solution for your Postman data needs. To bring the best out of reporting and help our customers optimize their team and API performance like never before, we have a lot more features and improvements planned. So go ahead, try out the new reports, and please let us know of any way we can help serve you better.

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1 thought on “Introducing New Postman Reports for Enterprises


    Very well written and very clearly communicate the function of the new development and it’s usefullness to end user