How Do People Find and Use Technology Today?

Industry leaders came together at Postman Galaxy 2021 to exchange a treasure trove of practical tips about technology adoption for conference attendees to take back to their own teams. The discussion explored topics ranging from developer documentation and education to managing virtual communities.
The “How People Find and Use Technology” panel participants included:
- RapidAPI Head of Developer Relations Alex Walling (moderator)
- Camunda Director of Developer Relations Mary Thengvall
- GitHub Senior Partner Engineer John Bohannon
- Transposit Founder and CTO Tina Huang
- Twilio Staff Software Engineer Elmer Thomas
- Tableau Developer Advocate Gigi Zanolli
The panel debated these questions around technology adoption:
- What is the biggest hurdle for a developer learning a new tool or technology?
- How do you use analytics to inform drop-off points in onboarding?
- How do you educate partners?
- How do you transition from getting started to advanced workflows?
- How has your approach changed to accommodate remote events and hackathons?
- What are your favorite tools for engaging with virtual communities?
- How do you collect and use product feedback from the community?
- What are tips for collecting feedback in GitHub specifically?
- How do you manage a community in Slack effectively?
- How are your companies adopting new technologies like GraphQL?
- How do you stay up-to-date with new tech?
- Do your companies use new employees to improve product onboarding?
- How do you manage retention?
- How do you recognize developer contributions?
- What do you do with your champions?
Alex Walling concluded the session by asking panelists how you can help people adopt technology. Here were some memorable takeaways:
- “Lowering the barriers to entry for APIs, making sure that we’re inclusive, and that people have access to the community.”
Hear more of what Gigi has to say about this here.
- “We’ve seen the power of the online community recently, know where your community is at, and build cool stuff together.”
Hear more of what John has to say about this here.
- “Listen to your community, not assuming you know what they want and need.”
Hear more of what Mary has to say about this here.
- “I see a rise of platforms for workflow-building where APIs really empower people. The ability to not have to write code will enable developers to plug in their customization to this greater framework.”
Hear more of what Tina has to say about this here.
- “Please help to give voice to developers who are not heard.”
Hear more of what Elmer has to say about this here.
Watch the full Postman Galaxy technology adoption panel discussion here:
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